Monday, June 29, 2009

MJ addiction

So this holidays I've been procrastinating even more because I've just started a new unhealthy addiction to Michael Jackson. I can't stop youtubing his songs! I never realised what an awesome singer/ dancer he was and it's really too bad that he's dead now because i would've flown to london to see him perform. (well, maybe not, but i love him anyway)
he was so adorable as a kid and he and his brothers sang the best songs
and then he grew older and he was still awesome albeit a bit more delicate
i don't believe that he ever molested children, he was the most sincere and honest person. just misunderstood.
RIP mj
on a happier note, on one of my random youtube frenzies i came across some great arthur slash merlin videos... they're hilarious and only compound my love of the merlin tv show more. its weird coz arthur and merlin have ten times more chemistry than say, merlin/gwen or arthur/gwen arthur/morgana. i'm a slash fangirl at heart. can't wait till september, season 2 is coming.
but even sooner, harry potter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whooooooooooo!


  1. hey yen.
    you don't seem like the person to be addicted to MJ. which one's your favorite song?
    i mean he has like a billion songs,
    and you only have a max capacity of putting like five songs on your ipod. =P

    how's holidays going?
    hope you are having fun and catching up in spesh but i'm sure it's all a breeze for you.


  2. i can't wait till america,
    but i might be depressed after i see my results.
    well i do really want to miss tutor but i can't. but i really really want to go to YAA thing, after i am the company, nah just kidding. =P

    we should do something next week together of something, i need to shoe shopping for formal so you can come with me or we can do something else.

    i forgot to ask, how was the dentist appointment? was it so important that you had to miss the last day of school.
    i don't think so!

    Much Love,

  3. thats sucks waiting that long.
    i remember i had to get a checkup for my teeth after i had my wisdom teeth removed. i had to wait 3 hours, i was so annoyed because i missed some of my YAA meeting and i had to leave school early for no reason.
    how did you know the dentist made that much money? i think you should subtly steal it, (somehow, i don't know??). i don't think i want to see your filling, and yen think about it, all those rascals?

    OMG i was thinking of going on monday too.
    we should totally go together and invite susan as well. the formal so soon and you haven't gotten anything??
    i'm still thinking about whether to make my dress but that decision seems less likely.
    i don't think i'll watch hannah montana, maybe i'll just buy the dvd.

    yes we should make plans to go to america soon. its just i don't know my emotional state after year12 though. but yeah we should book early and stuff so no-one will back out and we have to go.
    i really can't wait.

    and and i know this seems ages away,
    but we should go to spain for the next world youth day in a couple of years.
    hopefully we'll still be friends.

    anyways send me offline messsages on msn to organise times for shopping on monday.

